Hamilton Tharp recently sponsored a group of high school students to attend a San Diego State University Women’s Basketball game at Viejas Arena. This unique opportunity allowed the students to experience the excitement of collegiate sports firsthand while also emphasizing the importance of supporting women’s athletics. The sponsorship, which covers tickets for the students, underscores the critical role that community support plays in promoting women’s sports and inspiring the next generation of athletes. By providing local students the chance to attend a high-level women’s basketball game, Hamilton Tharp is helping to foster a greater appreciation for the dedication, teamwork, and skill involved in women’s athletics.
(Judy Hamilton is pictured with a group of students and educators)
We are proud to celebrate our partner, Judy Hamilton, for her incredible contributions to the accounting profession and her lasting impact on the students at SDSU. Paving the way for future generations, Judy has empowered many to pursue their ambitions and has inspired future leaders, including fellow partner and SDSU alumna Kim Spinardi.
Her dedication to mentoring others and advocating for female athletes reflects her passion for giving back to both her profession and community. Learn more about Judy’s inspiring journey and the legacy she continues to build in this SDSU spotlight article.
Please join us in congratulating Kim Spinardi, Partner at Hamilton Tharp, for being named a 2023 Rising Aztec! Kim Spinardi is one of ten SDSU alumni to earn the biennial award, which recognizes up-and-coming alumni. She is a passionate supporter of the Aztec community.
We are proud to have Kim on our team and to support her in supporting her university alum. Congratulations, Kim, for this remarkable achievement. Keep up your exemplary work! Learn more about Kim and the other SDSU Alumni 2023 Rising Aztecs.
Congratulations to the Class of 2020 from SDSU Alumni Board of Advisor member, Kim Spinardi!
Kim Spinardi of Hamilton Tharp is proud to represent the entire alumni base and play a pivotal role to help advance the university as a world-class academic institution as a SDSU’s Alumni Board Member. In this role, Kim has the privilege of connecting with students, faculty, and staff; raising funds for campus initiatives, colleges, and student organizations; and networking with some of San Diego’s most dynamic leaders! sdsualumni.org
Hamilton Tharp is a proud sponsor of the fourth annual Aztec Bowling Classic! HT2 is excited to be a part of the event which raises funds to provide scholarship aid, special projects, facility upgrades and unique educational and cultural experiences for student-athletes at San Diego State.
Hamilton Tharp LLP is a proud sponsor of Solana Beach Little League. We are being presented with a plaque for our sponsorship and recognized for our ongoing commitment to our local community.
Hamilton Tharp LLP has participated in the Lee National Denim Day for over 12 years. We believe that if everyone participates and does their part, this cancer can be eradicated. So join with us and the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure movement and make this a reality.
Hamilton Tharp is happy to be a sponsor of the Community Resource Center! On September 27th, our own Judy Hamilton joined CRC for their Equinox 2014 event at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. The event brought people from the community together to celebrate CRC’s programs and success stories.
Each year Hamilton Tharp LLP joins hundreds of San Diego residents for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in Balboa Park. HT2 is happy to support the event, which is committed to raising breast cancer awareness and increasing funding for cure research and support for those affected by the disease.
https://www.facebook.com/SusanGKomen | https://www.facebook.com/raceforthecure.jeri